“The Raiment We Put On” by Kelly Cherry


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Hot Couple Romance via newhdwallpaper


The Raiment We Put On
by Kelly Cherry

Do you remember? We were in a room
With walls as warm as anybody’s breath,
And music wove us on its patterning loom,
The complicated loom of life and death.
Your hands moved over my face like small clouds.
(Rain fell into a river and sank, somewhere.)
I moved among your fingers, brushed by the small crowds
Of them, feeling myself known, everywhere,
And in that desperate country so far from here,
I heard you say my name over and over,
Your voice threading its way into my ear.
I will spend my days working to discover
The pattern and its meaning, what you meant,
What has been raveled and what has been rent.

via Kelly Cherry on HyperTexts

(I think I need a cigarette!! And I don’t smoke.)

  • Kelly Cherry is an American award-winning author of non-fiction, poetry, fiction, and more. Referenced Here
  • Highly recommended! If you are interested in a more in-depth critical essay into Kelly Cherry and her blend of poetry and philosophy you can read it Here. Essay written by Fred Chappell, Published in The Mississippi Quartley ’04. Retrieved: TheFreeLibrary.com.

She is still hot stuff! You can buy a more recent collection of short stories/poems called “Temporium: Before the Beginning to After the End” Here! Published Oct 16, 2017, by Press53. Available in hardback and paperback.

Happy Reading,


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